An Analysis on Digital Literacy Level of Faculty of Sports Science Students

 An Analysis on Digital Literacy Level of Faculty of Sports Science Students

Asian Journal of Education and Training, v6 n2 p117-121 2020
The study aims to examine the digital literacy levels of students in the faculty of sports sciences. In the study group; there are 394 students (105 female and 289 male) studying in the departments of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Sports Management, Coaching and Recreation of the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Atatürk University in the 2018-2019 academic year. "Digital Literacy Scale (DLS) is a scale, which was developed by Ng (2012) and translated into Turkish by Hamutoglu, Güngören, Uyanik, and Erdogan (2017) and it is composed of 17 items and 4 factors (attitude, technique, cognitive and social). Nonparametric tests (Kruskal Wallis, Mann-Whitney U) were used to analyse the data of the study. According to the findings; digital literacy levels of the participating students differ significantly in social sub-dimension in respect of gender variation. In the social sub-dimension of digital literacy scale, digital literacy levels of male students were higher than female students.
Asian Online Journal Publishing Group. 244 Fifth Avenue Suite D42, New York, NY 10001. Fax: 212-591-6094; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education; Postsecondary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Turkey

Haluk, S.M. (2020)  An Analysis on Digital Literacy Level of Faculty of Sports Science StudentsAsian Journal of Education and Training, V.6 , No.2 ; pp.117-121.

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